Gender Affirmation Surgery

Gender Affirmation Surgery

What is Gender Affirmation Surgery?

Gender affirmation surgery includes several surgical procedures designed to help people find their true selves, whether they were born male or female. Gender affirmation surgery helps them find comfort in the gender in which they identify.

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Dr. Kressel has been the lead surgeon for the Gender Affirming Surgical TOP Surgery Services based at Metropolitan Hospital for the NYC Health and Hospital Corporation since 2016. In conjunction with the LGTBQ clinics, he has been providing TOP surgery for men and women .. TOP Surgery is a term that refers to surgical procedures for the breast, including breast augmentation, breast reduction, and contouring of the male chest in female-to-male (FTM) gender conversions.

The feminization surgery for male-to-female (MTF) affirmation consists of breast implants followed by other cosmetic female enhancements. For patients wanting female-to-male (FTM) affirmation, the procedure is mastectomy using the most appropriate surgical technique based on the individual patient’s needs. . If you are interested in gender affirmation surgery, we recommend that you talk to Dr. Kressel, an experienced, skilled gender affirmation, and TOP Surgery surgeon.

If you seek a surgeon with experience in gender affirmation surgery and TOP Surgery procedures, look to Aron Kressel, MD. Call 212.772.6968 or use our convenient Request a Consultation form. .

In the News:

NYC Health and Hospital’s The Insider asked Dr. Kressel five questions to learn more about his work related to gender-affirming surgery and how he has transformed patient’s lives.

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Dr. Kressel Featured in the News for Performing
100th Gender-Affirming Surgery

admin none 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM 9:30 AM - 4:30 PM Closed Closed plastic surgeon,3,,,